Who can sign up for AmEquities?
All clients of AmInvestment Bank Berhad.
What are the requirements to sign up for AmEquities?
Client must have a valid E-mail Account and Trading Account.
How do I sign up for AmEquities?
Kindly follow the steps below to complete your registration for AmEquities.
  1. Go to http://www.amequities.com.my
  2. Click on Sign up Now! to register
  3. Select your registration type
  4. Read the Terms and Conditions
  5. Tick checkbox 'I agree with all the above terms and conditions'
  6. Select your application category.
  7. Click 'Register' button. A pop up window will appear
  8. Fill up all mandatory fields
  9. Click 'Confirm' button. Thank you message window will pop up
  10. Check your email for Client Registration
  11. Click the link in your email to activate your registration. Login window will pop up
  12. Key in your password and click the submit button (English or Chinese)
  13. Download the recommended software (Get JAVA & Microsoft JAVA) available at the bottom of the homepage.
How long does it take to approve my application?
The approval process will take 2-3 working days provided all documents are submitted, duly completed, signed and witnessed.
Can I have more than one Online Account?
No. For security reasons you are only permitted to have one (1) Online Account.
What if I have more than one Trading Account?
All your Trading Accounts maintained with AmInvestment Bank Berhad. will be automatically linked to your User ID.
Can a holder of Corporate Account subscribe for AmEquities?
Yes, as long as the client has a valid Trading Account with AmInvestment Bank Berhad.A copy of board resolution authorizing the subscription and appointment of personnel to transact online is required.
What are the documents that I need to submit?
The documents to submit depend on your account type. All downloadable documents can be retrieved from the website under the eServices menu. You may also request for the full documents to be sent to you by emailing us or visiting our office.
  1. New Individual Application
    • Account Application Form and Terms & Conditions for Securities Trading
    • MCD Application for Opening of Account
    • 2 copies of Specimen Signature Card
    • Nominee Agreement (if applicable)
    • Letter of Authorisation for AmCash Management (optional)
    • 3 certified true copies of your new NRIC/Passport/Authority Card
    • Latest Bank Statement or Income Tax Statement/EA Form/Payslip
    • A bank draft of RM10 being payment for opening of CDS Account
    • Application Form for Electronic Services.
  2. New Corporate Application
    • Account Application Form and Terms & Conditions for Securities Trading
    • MCD Application for Opening of Account
    • 2 copies of Specimen Signature Card
    • Nominee Agreement (if applicable)
    • Board Resolution
    • Letter of Authorisation for AmCash Management (optional)
    • A bank draft of RM10 being payment for opening of CDS Account
    • Application Form for Electronic Services.
  3. Existing AmInvestment Bank Berhad Client (Individual)
    • Terms & Conditions for Securities Trading (if account was opened before April 2001)
    • Memorandum of Deposit of Securities (if applicable)
    • Call Warrant (if applicable)
    • Direct Credit (if applicable)
    • Application Form for Electronic Services
  4. Existing AmInvestment Bank Berhad Client (Corporate)
    • Terms & Conditions for Securities Trading (if account was opened before April 2001)
    • Board Resolution
    • Memorandum of Deposit of Securities (if applicable)
    • Call Warrant (if applicable)
    • Direct Credit (if applicable)
    • Application Form for Electronic Services

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