What is the LEAP Market?
A new market offered by Bursa Malaysia which will provide companies, mainly SMEs, with greater fund raising access and visibility via the capital market; and will be accessible only to Sophisticated Investors. *

The LEAP Market aims to bring together SMEs and companies, intermediaries, Sophisticated Investors and Advisers onto a single platform to create a conducive marketplace to raise funds, a marketplace that provides for efficient and transparent capital formation and price discovery mechanisms compared to a private market.

* as prescribed under the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007
What are the objectives of the LEAP Market?
  • Supports the national development agenda of SMEs
  • Creates a platform for SMEs and companies to raise funds
  • Provides an alternative and complementary platform for Sophisticated Investors to invest in the growth of SMEs and companies
  • Provides Sophisticated Investors access to a wider pool of potential investments
What are the key features of the LEAP Market?
  • An efficient, fast and transparent market
  • Facilitative rules & regulations and lower cost of compliance
  • Sophisticated Investors (Note : please refer to Investor section below for details)
Which SMEs qualify for listing on the LEAP Market?
All public companies incorporated in Malaysia with a clearly identifiable core business. Locally incorporated companies and SMEs with foreign operations are eligible to list on the LEAP Market.
Who can invest in companies listed on the LEAP Market?
Only Sophisticated Investors, as defined under Schedules 6 & 7 of the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 (“CMSA”) are allowed to invest in companies listed on the LEAP Market. The Sophisticated Investors are categorised as:
  • Accredited investors;
  • High net-worth entities; and
  • High net-worth individuals.

Examples include:
  • an individual whose total net personal assets exceeds RM3,000,000 or equivalent in foreign currencies; or
  • an individual who has a gross annual income exceeding RM300,000 or equivalent in foreign currencies in the preceding twelve months; or
  • an individual who, jointly with his or her spouse, has a gross annual income exceeding RM400,000 or equivalent in foreign currencies in the preceding twelve months; or
  • a corporation with total net assets exceeding RM10,000,000 or equivalent in foreign currencies based on last audited accounts; or
  • a partnership with total net assets exceeding RM10,000,000 or its equivalent in foreign currencies; or
  • a company that is registered as a trust company under the Trust Companies Act 1949 which has assets exceeding RM10,000,000 under management; or
  • o a corporation that is a public company under the Malaysia Companies Act 2016 which is approved by the Securities Commission Malaysia to be a trustee under the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 and has assets exceeding RM10,000,000 under management.
What are the value propositions for the LEAP Market?
For SMEs and companies For Sophisticated Investors For Adviser(s)
  • Alternative platform to raise funds
  • Facilitative rules & regulations and lower cost of compliance
  • Enhanced visibility / profiling
  • Early exposure to prepare for a potential listing on the ACE / Main Markets
  • Potentially unlock shareholder value
  • Price discovery therefore easier to undertake mergers and acquisitions
  • Greater price discovery / transparency
  • Capitalise on the potential growth of a LEAP Market company
  • Ease / flexibility of divestment of their investments
  • Early investment which may yield high returns when companies on the LEAP Market potentially list on the ACE / Main Market
  • Access to a wider pool of potential investments
  • Access to additional revenue stream for new segments
  • Enhanced visibility / profiling
  • Facilitative rules & regulations and lower cost of compliance
  • Capitalise on the potential growth of a LEAP Market company
  • Ease / flexibility of monetising shareholder value for their clients
  • Potential to guide issuers-clients to graduate to the ACE / Main Market
What are some international examples of the LEAP Market?
The LEAP Market equivalents can be found in the United States, South Korea, India, China and Taiwan.
How does the LEAP Market complement other funding options, e.g. Peer-to-Peer Financing Platform, Angel Investors, Equity Crowd Funding, ACE Market, Venture Capitalists?
The LEAP Market serves to complete and complement the available funding options provided to SMEs and companies depending on the stage of the company’s growth and funding needs.
Who is the approving party for listing?
Bursa Malaysia is the single approving authority for listing.
Does the LEAP Market prescribe a time limit for listed SMEs and companies to migrate to other boards?
There is no prescribed time limit.
Will the LEAP Market be a part of Bursa Malaysia?
The LEAP Market is a part of Bursa Malaysia and will operate under Bursa Malaysia Securities.
How will the trading process take place?
Trading on the LEAP Market will follow the same trading mechanism as the current ACE / Main Markets.
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